P / AI

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Prompt #17122
The camera opens inside a sleek, transparent glass car designed as a mobile food cart, elegantly cruising along a quiet, modern street. The interior is filled with vibrant red roses, meticulously arranged, their delicate petals soft and dewy under the gentle ambient lighting. The camera slowly pans across the roses, capturing their rich colors and fine textures as soft golden light from nearby street lamps and shop windows reflects off the glass, casting a warm, inviting glow. The roses seem to shimmer as the light touches them, enhancing the atmosphere of refined charm and elegance. The scene feels dreamlike, with precise motion and sharp visuals, all set in a serene, fantasy-like nighttime environment.Cinematic. The movement is very detailed and clean, and the visuals are very sharp with minimal warping.

The camera opens inside a sleek, transparent glass car designed as a mobile food cart, elegantly cruising along a quiet, modern street. The interior is filled with vibrant red roses, meticulously arra

Prompt #17121
saudi boy swimming with his arabic clothes on the sea

saudi boy swimming with his arabic clothes on the sea

Prompt #17120
saudi guy drink saudi coffe in the dessert

saudi guy drink saudi coffe in the dessert

Prompt #17119
Amere: Nurse, can you help me understand what’s happening with my treatment? It feels like I’m lost in a game of “Guess Who” but without any clues.

Sophia: Just a minute. It’s all in your chart.

Amere: I know, but I’d really like to understand it better. Can you explain?

Sophia: I really don’t have time for this right now. You’re scheduled for tests. That’s all you need to know.

Amere: I get that you’re busy, but I’m feeling a bit lost here. A little explanation would help.

Sophia: Look, I’m not your personal tour guide. You’ll get your answers when the doctors come by.

Amere: Seriously? This isn’t just a checklist for me! I’m a person, and I deserve some attention!

Sophia: Everyone’s a person. We’re all in this together, but I can’t hold your hand through every little detail.

Amere: That’s not what I’m asking for! I just want to feel like I matter, not just another name on your list.

Sophia: You think it’s easy? You’re not the only one here.

Amere: I’m not trying to make it harder for you! You’re being really rude!

Sophia: Okay, look, I’m sorry. I’ve just been overwhelmed today.

Amere: Overwhelmed? How so?

Sophia: It’s just that I’ve been working double shifts, dealing with way too many patients, and it’s exhausting. I’m burnt out.

Amere: That makes sense. I can see it now.

Sophia: I don’t want to be like this. I care about my patients, but sometimes it feels like I’m just going through the motions.

Amere: I get it. We’re all fighting our own battles.

Sophia: Exactly. I’m just trying to keep up, but it makes me lose touch with what really matters.

Amere: You’re not alone. It’s tough on both sides.

Sophia: I appreciate you saying that. I need to remind myself that each patient is a person, not just a task.

Amere: So, what’s your superhero plan for today?

Sophia: I could start by actually listening. I can’t save the world in one shift, but I can connect with one patient at a time.

Amere: That sounds like a good plan!

Sophia: Thanks for your understanding. I’ll try to bring more empathy into my work.

Amere: And I’ll keep reminding you that empathy matters, even in the chaos.

Sophia: I’ll make sure to check back in more often.

Amere: Thank you for being open. It’s good to feel understood.

Sophia: I’ll remember this conversation. It’s a great reminder of how we can help each other through our challenges.

Amere: Nurse, can you help me understand what’s happening with my treatment? It feels like I’m lost in a game of “Guess Who” but without any clues. Sophia: Just a minute. It’s all in your chart. Ame

Prompt #17118
3D cake, baby celebrating his birthday, calm colors and great details

3D cake, baby celebrating his birthday, calm colors and great details

Prompt #17117
halloween art make like puzzle with white lines

halloween art make like puzzle with white lines

Prompt #17116
1. Accidente de trabajo
Es un suceso repentino que ocurre por causa o con ocasión del trabajo y que produce en el trabajador una lesión, enfermedad, invalidez o incluso la muerte.
2. Enfermedad laboral
Enfermedad adquirida como consecuencia directa de la actividad laboral, debido a factores de riesgo específicos presentes en el entorno de trabajo.
3. Incidente de trabajo
Evento no deseado que ocurre en el trabajo, que podría haber causado un accidente, pero que no resultó en lesiones ni daños materiales. Se considera una señal de riesgo y sirve para tomar medidas preventivas.
4. Riesgo
Probabilidad de que ocurra un daño o un impacto negativo a la salud, causado por una condición peligrosa o una exposición en el ambiente laboral.
5. Peligro
Situación, condición o elemento en el entorno laboral que tiene el potencial de causar daño a la salud de los trabajadores o al ambiente.
6. Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SST)
Conjunto de actividades y medidas preventivas destinadas a proteger la salud y la seguridad de los trabajadores, promoviendo un entorno laboral seguro y saludable.
7. Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST)
Conjunto de políticas, procedimientos y recursos implementados en una organización para identificar, controlar y reducir riesgos laborales, cumpliendo con normativas y garantizando el bienestar de los empleados.
8. COPASST (Comité Paritario de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo)
Comité conformado por representantes de empleadores y trabajadores que se encarga de promover y vigilar las condiciones de seguridad y salud en el trabajo dentro de la empresa.
9. FURAT (Formato Único de Reporte de Accidentes de Trabajo)
Documento utilizado en Colombia para reportar accidentes de trabajo, proporcionando información necesaria para la investigación y el análisis de los incidentes.
10. Salud
Estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social, y no solo la ausencia de enfermedades. En el ámbito laboral, implica condiciones de trabajo que favorezcan este estado integral de salud.
11. Condición insegura
Situación, circunstancia o condición en el lugar de trabajo que aumenta la probabilidad de que ocurra un accidente o enfermedad laboral.
12. Condición segura
Estado o situación en el lugar de trabajo donde se han implementado medidas preventivas y correctivas para reducir los riesgos y proteger la salud y seguridad de los trabajadores.
13. Acto inseguro
Comportamiento o acción de una persona que puede generar un riesgo de accidente o enfermedad laboral. Ejemplos incluyen el mal uso de equipos de protección personal o prácticas inadecuadas de trabajo.
14. ARL (Administradora de Riesgos Laborales)
Entidades en Colombia encargadas de gestionar la prevención de riesgos laborales, ofreciendo servicios para la prevención y cobertura de accidentes y enfermedades laborales.
15. Brigada de emergencia
Grupo de trabajadores capacitados y organizados para responder a emergencias dentro del lugar de trabajo, como incendios, evacuaciones y primeros auxilios.
16. Comité de convivencia laboral
Órgano dentro de las organizaciones que trabaja en la promoción de relaciones laborales armoniosas, manejando conflictos y previniendo el acoso laboral.
17. Higiene industrial
Disciplina que busca identificar, evaluar y controlar los agentes ambientales (como polvo, gases, ruido, vibraciones) que pueden afectar la salud de los trabajadores en el entorno laboral.
18. Seguridad industrial
Conjunto de medidas y técnicas aplicadas en las empresas para prevenir accidentes, proteger la integridad física de los trabajadores y asegurar un ambiente de trabajo seguro.
19. Medicina preventiva del trabajo
Área de la medicina laboral que busca prevenir enfermedades y problemas de salud relacionados con el trabajo, realizando exámenes periódicos y promoviendo la educación sanitaria en el lugar de trabajo.

1. Accidente de trabajo Es un suceso repentino que ocurre por causa o con ocasión del trabajo y que produce en el trabajador una lesión, enfermedad, invalidez o incluso la muerte. 2. Enfermedad labora

Prompt #17115
Jesienne owoce 6 elementów

Jesienne owoce 6 elementów

Prompt #17114
What is FFA

What is FFA

Prompt #17113
generate a puzzle with english words related to halloween for classes from 4-8 primary school

generate a puzzle with english words related to halloween for classes from 4-8 primary school

Prompt #17111
female teen forrest

female teen forrest

Prompt #17110
female teen forrest

female teen forrest

Prompt #17104
buatkan puzzle tema keragaman suku dan budaya Indonesia

buatkan puzzle tema keragaman suku dan budaya Indonesia

Prompt #17103
Nativity picture with star, angel, Mary, shepherds, kings, animals, manger and Jesus try to have each image in different parts of puzzle

Nativity picture with star, angel, Mary, shepherds, kings, animals, manger and Jesus try to have each image in different parts of puzzle

Prompt #17102
a tree of life background 12 pice puzzle

a tree of life background 12 pice puzzle

Prompt #17101
Family prayig

Family prayig

Prompt #17100
Fire Investigation Report
•	Final Summary: Written documentation of all findings, observations, and conclusions.
•	Structure Details: Size, materials, layout, and structural elements that impacted the fire.
•	Firefighters’ Observations: Initial observations, entry conditions, and efforts to extinguish.
•	Fire Characteristics: Documentation of smoke color, flame color, spread rate, and intensity.
•	Location of Origin: Detailed analysis of where and how the fire likely started.
•	Conclusion: Summarizes potential cause, witness insights, and investigative insights for final review.

Fire Investigation Report • Final Summary: Written documentation of all findings, observations, and conclusions. • Structure Details: Size, materials, layout, and structural elements that impacted the

Prompt #17099
A picture of a tazmanian devil in its environment using it's skills to survive

A picture of a tazmanian devil in its environment using it's skills to survive

Prompt #17098
Forest with beach

Forest with beach

Prompt #17096
Ultra-realistic portrait, in the style of the art of Umberto Boccioni, a French bulldog dog, the dog is dressed in red and black silk with a spooky vampire costume with gold details in the style of a Halloween costume monster photo shoot, portrait photography, high definition, detailed, 8k, high quality, great detail, photographic, photogenic, perfect, inside a room with background elements blurred in dark colors --stylize 1000

Ultra-realistic portrait, in the style of the art of Umberto Boccioni, a French bulldog dog, the dog is dressed in red and black silk with a spooky vampire costume with gold details in the style of a

Prompt #17095
a halloween picture

a halloween picture

Prompt #17094
draw a giraffe and a rabbit in a wooded area

draw a giraffe and a rabbit in a wooded area